When I met His Excellency Bishop Silva, I mentioned to him then that I was not sure if I would want to go home. He responded: "The door is open." I wonder what Bishop Lucas would think if I made the request...
Life on the island is much slower and peaceful than life back on the mainland. I like that. Every cashier looked at the back of my credit card for my signature. They saw "SEE PHOTO ID" and actually asked to see my driver's license. I like that, too. That rarely happens at home.
The weather is beautiful and it is not humid. My arthritis - once my shoulder was back in place - has not bothered me one bit, something that also does not happen in Illinois. The temperature changes little throughout the day - fifteen degrees at most. The sun has shone every day I have been here (ten in total). I like that, too.
Having driven around the entire island, there is not a single geographically boring spot to be seen. I like that, too. The mountains are majestic in their greenery. The flora of the island is beyond compare. Everything is so green and fresh. The blue of the sky is perfect and the stars shine brightly in a different arrangement than I am used to seeing.
The people pray well here and there is a vibrancy to their faith and prayer. I like that, too.
In short, I am very happy here and I do not want to leave. Nevertheless, my plane takes off in - if the Lord wills - two hours and forty-five minutes. I am to fly through the night to Cincinatti where I will board another plane back to Indianapolis that is scheduled to land at 10:30 a.m. local time. From there I will drive the two hours back to Effingham for a wedding rehearsal Friday evening.
The weekend wil be packed with a wedding, the weekend Masses and the high school graduation. This weekend will hit like a ton of bricks, but it will have been well worth it.
To this fair island I bid, in the words of Bilbo Baggins, a very fond farewell. Aloha! Or maybe better: arrividerci! Until we meet again! I will return!
Your prayers are requested for a restful sleep through the night and a safe flight. My gratitude in advance!
You have them, as always.
ReplyDeleteBet Bishop Lucas would not like the idea, at all.
Let's see, warm and constant temperature, sunshine throughout the year, island, loads of greenery, sea, laid back lifestyle, rolling hills, nice people. Hmmmm.... If you add great food then I think you'll like Penang, the Pearl of the Orient very much!
ReplyDeleteHow bout it, Father? A nice city parish or a laid back country one in the hills, we have em all. You you like Bishop Anthony of Penang to give you a call?
Father, my friends and I were serious that we could use a priest like you here. That would be so wonderful!! I will pray for that intention. My son and I read this together and he said "wow, I think I take this place for granted". Me too. Thank you for helping us appreciate the blessing of living in a paradise place like HI. We are praying for your safe flight home. Aloha for now!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the invitation, Andrew! Unfortunatley, Oriental/Asian foods and I don't get along too well. Well, my tastebuds don't like them at any rate.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your prayers everyone!
Esther, be sure to enjoy the natural beauty you are blessed to live in.
Unfortunately all good things must come to an end - including Hawaiian vacations.
ReplyDeleteI am happy you had this time to rest and recharge and see another of God's beautiful creations.
I hope you had a good flight home.
You are in my prayers for a safe journey. Try and get some rest this weekend of you can. I think you would tire of all that beauty and sun... I would like to try!
ReplyDeleteFather I have just come across yoru delightful blog!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you like Star Wars and your Bishop is called George Lucas - I love it!
I shall endeavour to remember you in my prayers as I am hoping to complete a novena of the Holy Spirit.
Best Wishes
Sadie from England
Father, I truly sympathize.
ReplyDeleteThe trick now is to make yourself such a royal pain in the tush that Bp. Lucas will be happy to see you go;)
Don't give him any ideas, Brad. If he set his mind to a project like that, the results could be spectacular.
ReplyDeleteEllen: Right you are... I, too, am deeply grateful for the experience, and I look forward eager expectation to my return. I wan to go back to Hawaii more than I want to go back to Rome...
ReplyDeleteFr. Peter: Thank you for your prayers. No rest will be possible this weekend, but Monday it should be. I, too, would like to tire of the natural beauty; I'm not sure it's possible!
Sadie: I'm glad you stumbled your way in; welcome! I am grateful for your prayers!
Bard: Don't think I haven't already pondered it... ;c) Really, though, this situation requires a great deal of prayer and investigation on my part, and that has already begun.
Welcome back. I am glad you had a safe journey home. Now, if you can just get some time to catch up on your sleep.....
ReplyDeleteI remember when we returned from Hawaii, we arrived in Philadelphia at about 9 pm and by the time we got home and went to sleep, it was quite late. We all overslept for mass the next day - fortunately one local parish has a 7 pm mass on Sunday night, so we made it there. But the jet lag really hit me on Monday! You see, we left Hawaii Friday night and I did not sleep the entire ride home, so I was exhausted!
I, too, woudl like to return to Hawaii. My husband talks about going next year. We will see!
Yes, the jet lag hit this morning, and a nice little cold. I'm tired of being sick, which I wasn't in Hawaii...
ReplyDeleteSo that`s where my cold disappeared to so abruptly. Sorry Father:)
ReplyDeleteHope the jet lag doesn't last too long Father. We've been in NJ for almost a week now and we are still feeling the effects though. Hope you get better soon.