"The compassion of God for us who carry the burden of sin, in other words God's mercy," he said, "is made personal in the gift of his Son Jesus. In his perfect act of self-giving on the cross, and by the power of his resurrection, Jesus has opened a channel of mercy that overpowers the effects of sin and death."
His Excellency went on to say:
That experience of the mercy of God is available to us most explicitly in the sacrament of reconciliation. Like the first disciples, you and I know that we deserve punishment for our sins. The devil would like us to believe that we are hopeless cases, doomed to die in our sins. We turn our backs on that lie when we confess our sins in humility and trust in the mercy of God.Bishop Lucas then mentioned somes in which we can share the Divine Mercy. He said,
What we have come to call the "corporal" and "spiritual" works of mercy outline the actions on behalf of mercy that ought to be evident in the life of every Christian. Having experienced divine mercy ourselves, through the paschal mystery of Christ, we are sent out to be agents of mercy in a broken world. In these two brief lists of the works of mercy, we can each formulate a resolution for putting faith in the risen Christ into action during the Easter season.
I've had a great experience of Divine Mercy since Sunday. I'm affectively feeling (not just cognitively knowing) that my past sins are **really** wiped away. If you knew me, you'd realize just what an amazing thing that is. When I was away from the Church, I was G-O-N-E GONE! While my grasp of virtue feels tenuous, I'm not feeling hopeless or unforgiven despite Confession. And like Martha Stewart says, "That's a very good thing!" :)