09 June 2007

Resources for Corpus Christi

In honor of tomorrow's Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have compiled a few links to some worthwhile reading on the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar:

Pope Benedict XVI:

Sacramentum caritatis

Homily, Corpus Christis (2006)

Angelus Address on Corpus Christi (2006)

Homily, World Youth Day

Homily, Conclusion of Eucharistic Congress at Bari

Homily, Corpus Christi (2005)

Servant of God, Pope John Paul II:

Ecclesia de Eucharistia

Mane nobiscum Domine

Dominicae Cenae


"Happy Are Those Who Are Called to His Supper": On Preparing to Receive Christ Worthily in the Eucharist

That should keep you busy for a while. If you have something else you think should be included, do let me know.


  1. Good window. Which church?

  2. My home, in the sanctuary, opposite one of the Holy Family in the shop.
