02 June 2007

Well worth reading

Adam's Ale has a very fine post concerning broaching difficult issues with your bishop, pastor, vicar, or any living human being for that matter. Take a read.


  1. Thanks for the referral to read this. When we had a change in pastors a few years ago, people went crazy and said some very hurtful things to him and about him. And just because he did things different, people accused them of being liturgically incorrect when in fact, his predecessors were incorrect, not him.

  2. Thanks for the plug. It was nice to discover your site!

    Blessings to you way over there in Il!

    Fr. V

  3. I remember when the fifteen year pastor of my home parish was transferred, I remember not liking the new priest very much at all for the first several months simply because he wasn't the former pastor.

    Now the new pastor, who has since been transferred elsewhere, is one of my favorite priests, and a good friend.
