Can anyone answer me this question I have had for a very long time: why can one 501(c)3 non-profit organization endorse a presidential candidate and not fear action from the Internal Revenue Service but another 501(c)3 non-profit organization cannot endorse a presidential candidate for fear of action from the Internal Revenue Service?
What do I mean? Certain organizations - such as Planned Parenthood - can publicly endorse a candidate who seeks election as President of the United States of America without fear of losing their tax exempt status. Why is it that churches are threatened with the revocation of their tax exempt status if they endorse a candidate seeking election to the Oval Office?
I am seeking a real, legitimate and logical answer to this question. Is it simply because churches would wield tremendous authority and power if pastors and ministers endorsed a candidate? If it is, how is this different from groups like Planned Parenthood?
Please help me figure this out.
In asking this question I do not mean to imply that one candidate supports everything I like, but one candidate clearly fits the bill, as it were, than another.
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