30 August 2014

Obama: "Things in Middle East "less dangerous now than they were" 20 - 30 years ago. Really, Mr. President?

Assuring supporters at an event held by the Democratic National Committee Party last evening, President Obama said, regarding the present situation throughout the Middle East, "I promise you things are much less dangerous now than they were 20 years ago, 25 years ago or 30 years ago." Really, Mr. President?

This statement comes just after he announced to the world while answering questions from reporters following a televised statement that "we don’t have a strategy yet" when it comes to dealing with the Islamic State. How is this even possible?! He has known about the growth of the Islamic State since at least January 2014 when, in an interview with The New Yorker, he compared ISIS to a junior varsity football team. Seven months later, he still has no idea what to do.

If things are, in fact, much less dangerous now, perhaps the President would consider making a visit to Iraq and Syria to comfort the tens of thousands of Christians suffering as refugees who are also mourning the deaths of relatives and friends by beheading and crucifixion and assure them that things are better now.

Better instead that President Obama start listening to Prime Minister David Cameron who yesterday said in a press conference that "what we are facing in Iraq now with ISIL is a greater threat to our security than we have seen before."

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