18 October 2010

A new canopy over the bridge builder

For this morning's Mass of Canonization in St. Peter's Square, Vatican workers erected a canopy over the Holy Father:

Having celebrated an outdoor Mass at a cemetery under the blinding and blazing sun, I fully appreciate and understand the desire to sit and stand beneath a canopy, particularly when wearing several layers of vestments.

That sad, I'm not sure I find the new canopy visualing appealing. I think I should like to see the backdrop extend several higher; the canopy would then have to extend out a bit more, but it also wouldn't be so close to the Pontiff's head.

What do you think?

Photo source: AFP/Christophe Simon


  1. I think you're right, Father - just two or three more feet would make a big difference. I'm getting a tinge of claustrophobia just looking at that picture, although it could be just an effect of the camera angle.

  2. Head-on, it has the appearance of a saturno!

  3. That might make it all the more strange.

  4. Perhaps then it ought to have taken the form of a papal tiara? Sorry, I'm a little giddy before my coffee this morning...
