13 August 2010

You know it's too hot...

...when the dog won't cross the threshold.


  1. I hope, I pray, dearest Father, your beloved canine, is not afraid of storms like our JR Terrier...complete "meltdown"...we thought the poor thing was going to have a heart attack...the panting, pacing, and complete "bezerk" behaviour of the poor thing...
    we're hot as Hell here...hoping for a reprieve (it's northwestern WI, for Pete's sake!)...
    nevertheless...we suffer with y'all.
    It's a great life if you don't weaken (as my Irish mother used to tell me!)...

  2. Thankfully, Father, storms do not seem to bother Claire. She does, though, get really hyper - in a playful way - the day before a storm. My previous Pastor's dog Molly was deathly afraid of storms and was completely unconsolable during them.
