04 June 2010

Bible advice sought

It has been the custom of one of my parishes to present a Bible to the students of the parish upon their graduation from high school.

What Bible would you recommend as a gift for them? I know their are many selections I haven't seen and not all of the commentary is created equal.


  1. My preferred translation is the RSV 2nd Catholic Edition.

    And there's now a New Testament RSV 2CE with plenty of study notes and questions from Ignatius.

  2. Father-
    What an incredible gift for your students!

    Our family uses and prefers the RSV-CE (Revised Standard Version-Catholic Edition) for several reasons. Among them is the fact that it is the translation used by the Catechism of Catholic Church and recommended by many Scripture scholars including Scott Hahn.

    In fact, my husband so prefers the RSV-CE (also know as the Ignatius Bible) that he wrote a textual concordance to it since none was available for him to use:). Read more about the RSV-CE translation (and the concordance, of course!) here: http://mamaslittleditty.blogspot.com/2009/05/look-it-up.html

    We also use the Jerusalem Bible as a back up and I think that one is preferred by Mother Angelica.

  3. Personally I like the Ignatius Bible or the Douay Rheims translations these days, but I say go for the translation used in the Lectionary, the NAB, and get the St. Joseph Edition published by the Catholic Book Publishing Company.

    It contains historical backgrounds, a TON of notes, cross references, a dictionary, the cycle of readings, and a doctrinal index. It might even be a good idea to give the graduates a little "tour" of their new Bibles, kind of to get them started in reading it for themselves. They come in three sizes, both as inexpensive paperback and beautiful leather bound editions.

    This is the version that got me started in scripture study, and I still use the additional features quite often.

  4. RSV-CE 2nd Edition is the unanimous opinion. Anything but the New American Bible study edition with heretical footnotes.

    If the RSV-CE it had commentary it would be perfect.

  5. I'm with the RSV-CE group. (I'd stay far away from the NAB, and pray for a new translation to come soon in a revised Lectionary!) :) Have a good day, Father.
