' Tis strange - but true; for truth is always strange;Though Lord Byron himself did not always live a morally uprightly life, he did foresee the coming time when vice would be called virtue and virtue would be called vice. Such a time is now upon us, when truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
Stranger than fiction; if it could be told,
How much would novels gain by the exchange!
How differently the world would men behold!
How oft would vice and virtue places change!
The new world would be nothing to the old,
If some Columbus of the moral seas
Would show mankind their souls' antipodes.
In various places throughout the world as the push for same-sex "marriage" holds ever fiercer hold, various legal forms are being revised to replace "Mother" and "Father" with "Parent A" and "Parent B," or something similar and equally farcical. In the United Kingdom, however, things have become even more bizarre:
Men are to be banned from becoming Queen or Princess of Wales as part of an unprecedented effort to rewrite more than 700 years of law to prevent unintended consequences of gay marriage.
Even a 14th Century act declaring it high treason to have an affair with the monarch’s husband or wife is included in the sweeping redrafting exercise.
Civil servants have drawn up a list of scores of statutes and regulations dating back as far 1285 to be amended or specifically excluded when the Government’s Same-Sex Marriage Act comes into force next month [more].Though ours is often touted as an enlightened time, I'm not so confident it is.
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