05 February 2010


I'm very irritated at the moment, and have been since 8:40 this morning. It isn't good for my soul. Or for those around me, either; thankfully, I haven't been around too many people this morning and those I have been around understand.

Since Monday, I had been planning to use today as the "catch-all" day to prepare for my retreat next week in Hawaii. When I awoke this morning I was energized and ready to set to work, and looking forward to it.

I was going to complete all unfinished paperwork for the parish and Diocese this morning, pay bills, sign checks, write letters to parishioners and a couple letters of recommendation, finish next week's bulletin, work on the parish directories. This afternoon I was going to clean the rectory thoroughly and pack for my retreat. This evening I was going to work on my homily for Sunday's Masses. Very little of any of that has come to pass.

Yesterday I returned to Effingham to celebrate Catholic Schools' Week. When I returned last night I had a message that the washer and dryer I ordered some weeks ago were to be delivered today between 2:00 and 4:00 (they called like this last week but I had to be out of town when they said they'd arrive); thanks for the notice. They just called to say they'll be arriving closer to 5:00. They best work quickly; I have Exposition at 6:00.

This morning I had business thirty miles away for which I left after Mass. When I arrived, I learned that what I was promised would be done last night was not. After waiting an hour and a half for the work to be finished, I finally left because there was no sign that what I needed would be finished anytime soon. After being back in Virden for about an hour I received a call telling me the project was ready to be picked up, so back in my car I went. What should have taken only an hour and fifteen minutes took close to five and a half hours.

Now it looks like plans for tomorrow will have to be changed, which I am loathe to do.

I don't mind it when days like today fall apart because of what I have or haven't done; if I ruin my own schedule and fail to do what I needed to do, so be it, but I really do not like my entire day falling apart because of what other's haven't done.

Dear Lord, give me patience! Saint Jerome (with whom I feel very close at the moment), pray for me!


  1. Saying a prayer that the next couple days go smoothly for you, Father, and that you will have a wonderful, joyous retreat.

  2. Do you mean to tell me that priests don't just sit around the rectory all day praying with the occasional break for Holy Mass? lol! May God bless your vacation...and the journey of preparation!

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    At least you're not in Haiti.

  4. Father, I found your blog from your comment on "The Crescat"; I've enjoyed reading your posts.
    Know you are in the prayers of our community here in west Central Wisconsin.
    I will enroll you in our monthly Mass for Priests during the Year for Priests and our weekly Litany for Priests during Eucharistic Adoration.
    Thank you for responding to the Lord's call to serve His People.

  5. Oh, and Father, I added you to your blog list.
    Our blog is:
    I did not have an email to send this to you, but wanted you to know.
    Blessing, Fr.

  6. Thank you, Nazareth Priest, for your many prayers! The Crescat is one of my favorites!

    I'll be happy to take a look at your blog.
