29 July 2006

Go west, young Father!

Yesterday afternoon I made the long trek across the wide state of Illinois to hold my nephew, Matthew William, for the first time. It was, for the most part, a pleasant and uneventful drive there and back, the round trip of which amounted to some eight hours in the car. I occupied my time listening to a series of lectures about Saint Augustine's Confessions. It was certainly worth the drive but it is one that I cannot do too frequently.

Little Matthew seems to be a happy baby who much prefers to be held than to be laid down. He sleeps well and cries little, always a good combination! I learned after only a few minutes of holding him that having a baby around will develop certain muscles that are rarely ever used, such as those in your wrist.

Mom and Dad are both doing well and are very happy and excited. I look forward with great joy to watching Matthew grow up over the years to come.

Many thanks again for all of your prayers!

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