27 May 2008

Parish Life: Rarely a Dull Moment

With the Pastor away until this evening things have been rather quiet here, as they usually are when he is away.

Consequently, I intended to spend the day reading, researching and working on a couple of articles. That hasn't happened yet. And it doesn't look like it will because I will soon have to get a few things ready for Confirmation at our mission this evening.

Right about lunch time someone from the Illinois Department of Transportation came to the rectory door and told me that a gas line had been hit by the grade school where workers are preparing for the construction of a new grade school building.

It seems the line was to have been turned off some months back and apparently wasn't. Oops.

Now, three hours later, the situation is resolved, with only a patch of the street needing yet to be finished, and just in time for the storm to roll through.

I spent the afternoon out with the workers from IDOT, Amerin, and a few members of the Effingham Fire Department and the Effingham Police Department. It was, for the most part, rather enjoyable.

I managed to snap several pictures of the work that was done:

The afternoon did provide a fun photo op:

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