It was a wonderful experience and a great joy to be present with this local Church again. It brought back so many memories of the Damien Day last year. Tears filled my eyes as I gave thanks to the Lord for bringing me back to Honolulu. My heart has found its home here.
After the Mass I met a couple who has lived in Hawaii for twenty years, but are originally from Quincy. We Quincyans get around!
A great many of the faithful asked our kids before the Mass who they were and where they were heading. The enthusiasm of the Church here for World Youth Day is unbelievable. The faith is alive, vibrant and strong here.
After Mass I was able to visit with Easter of A Tribute to Our Priests. I was also able to meet here husband and their children.
On my return to Hawaii we hope to get together for a meal. Hopefully we'll be able to catch up with Esther, that Catholic Mom in Hawaii.
After Mass we ate a quick picnic style lunch and split up for the day. I took a van full of boys to the North Shore to stop at Matsumoto's, the original home of Shave Ice. After waiting in line for nearly an hour - and much doubting by the boys as to the quality of what they would receive - we ate our shave ices and all were very pleased and agreed they were the best they'd ever had. And a large cost only $2.00!
Next we were going to go to Waimea Falls to walk through a rain forest up a mountain to a waterfall on top were we could swim. Sadly, the water fall was dry due to a lack of rain so we went back to Waimea Bay for the afternoon.
As the boys were digging a hole to bury one of them in the sand some one came over and tossed a crab in the hole. The boys tossed the crab to the side only to be picked up by a little boy. He spent quite a while playing with the boys, teasing them with the crab. It was hilarious!
Now I'm sitting in the Honolulu airport waiting for our flight to Sydney later this morning.
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