14 June 2014

The moon signifies the love of neighbor

As no small number of people wondered what of odd behaviors might be manifest during the conjuction of a full moon on a Friday the 13th, I couldn't help but recall that the moon frequently features in the preaching of Saint Anthony of Padua, whose memorial is observed every June 13th. It would be fascinating to conduct a study of the many significations the Evangelic Doctor attributes to the moon, but I have not the time for this at the moment.

As I left St. Peter's Square last evening after having dinner with our seminarian in Rome, I was struck by the beauty of the full moon rising, as it were, from behind the buildings lining the Via Conciliazione. I knew a good picture would be had from the Angel Bridge and quickly made my way to my favorite statue:

On the fourth day God said: Let there be two great lights in the firmament. The fourth virtue is the love of God and of neighbor: the love of God being signified by the  brightness of the sun, and the love of neighbor by the changeableness of the moon. Does it not seem to you that there is a certain changeableness, to rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15)?

- Saint Anthony of Padua
I would have liked to have taken a series of pictures as the moon continued to rise, but it was already late in the evening. Another time, may be!

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