19 January 2014

Saint Anthony came through, sort of

Like many Catholics throughout the world, and especially here in Italy, I have a special fondness for Saint Anthony of Padua.  My devotion to the Evangelic Doctor stems principally from three roots, as it were:
  1. he was an early Franciscan;
  2. I served as Parochial Vicar in a parish under his patronage; and,
  3. he helps me find important things, such as missing keys.
Catching up on Facebook this morning I noticed that the truck of one of my former students had been stolen and not yet located.  I left a little prayer - which I also whispered aloud - as a comment on his status:
Tony, Tony, look around. Something's lost and must be found.
Four minutes later, my former student commented that the prayer must have been heard because the police had just found his truck; the Finder of Lost Things came through once again, though not completely.  Unfortunately, the truck had been "burnt to a crisp."

The lesson of this story is that sometimes you need to be more specific in your prayers and invoke the intercession of several Saints all at once.  Saint Agatha is the patroness against danger from fires and Saint Catherine of Sienna is the patroness of fire protection.

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