06 May 2010

Barron offers advice on vocations

Over at The Deacon's Bench, Deacon Greg Kandra points us to an interview with Father Rober Barron titled, "How to Build a Better Priest."

Deacon Kandra points us to these words of Father Barron, which are particularly good (with my emphases):
For too long we've had a preferential option for mediocrity in the priesthood. We almost embrace mediocrity as the norm. What's the difference between a doctor and a priest? As someone once answered long ago, there really is no comparison: one deals with matters of life and death; the other just deals with the health of the body.

Before the 18th-century Enlightenment, the greatest minds of the West gave themselves to soul doctoring. After the Enlightenment, the greatest minds tended to go into the physical sciences, especially into care for the body. The body is important: we respect our doctors, and we expect a great deal from them, and from our psychiatrists. We don't accept mediocrity.

So why do we accept mediocrity in the priesthood? Why do we say priesthood is less demanding than being a medical doctor? It should be an elitist sort of call, just as being a doctor is elitist. If I were the president of a medical school and you said, "This is an elitist place," I'd say, "Yes, it is-we only want the best." I think we should say that about priesthood, too.

Let's say you're a bright, spiritually engaged 18-year-old. Will you be a brain surgeon or a priest? A corporate lawyer or a priest? Which one is more challenging, more enticing? I want to make priesthood as exciting as being a brain surgeon, and as difficult and inspiring. My wager is that we would attract many more people by presenting priesthood this way, rather than trying to flatten it out and render it mediocre.
He couldn't be more right about this.

1 comment:

  1. I think Fr. is so right. And I also think a regard for the priesthood as being an elitist calling would help the problem of parents discouraging vocations. I mean, really, why would parents encourage their sons to answer a call to be a tepid, Catholic version of 'Rev. Lovejoy.'
