29 September 2017

Governor Rauner goes back on his word to provide tax dollars for abortion

Against the wishes of some 60% of their constituents, the Illinois House representatives passed HB 40 to provide public funding for abortions on 25 April 2017 and the Illinois Senate approved the legislation on 11 May 2017.

At the time, Governor Bruce Rauner promised to veto the legislation, though yesterday he showed himself to have lied when he signed HB 40 bill into law. Frankly, I'm not surprised.

Following the Governor's going back on his word to Illinoisans, the Catholic Conference of Illinois issued the following statement:
We are deeply disturbed that Governor Rauner has broken his word and firm public promise to veto HB 40. In effect, he is the first governor to enact a law for state funding of abortion. 
Governor Rauner, together with the legislators who voted for this misguided legislation, will now force Illinois taxpayers to pay for the taking of human life, in this case that of a defenseless child in the womb. 
We remain dedicated to advocating for the dignity and sanctity of human life from conception to natural death and will work to convince the public and our elected officials about the grave moral error this legislation represents.

I will soon write to the Governor to express my great disappointment at having been lied to, and hope you will do the same.

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